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The Corporate Social Responsibility contributes to the sustainable development through the voluntary integration from the businesses of social and environmental matters in their business activities.
The CSR has 3 main vertexes: environmental care, labor conditions of the employees and the collaboration in social projects. This involves assuming a triple responsibility, the economic, social and environmental.
In Eurocoat the corporate social responsibility starts at home, giving the best conditions to our employees with the aim of building loyalty and making them feel happy both inside and out of the company.
In the other hand, in Eurocoat we are socially active collaborating with social actions that give a permanent value to the company.
- Increase of the credibility and recognition.
- Create values and identity.
- Revaluation of the business’ image.
- Fidelize customers and collaborators.
- Greater internal cohesion.
- Greater employee motivation.
In Eurocoat Group we boast of collaborating in a closely to social actions thanks to the help of Aldeas Infantiles with the aim to analyze our social commitment with one of the causes that produces the most empathy for citizens, feeling as being a part of story full of hugs, effort, smiles and discoveries for the most disadvantaged children.